A Gift in Your Will
When you leave a gift in your Will to Venice in Peril Fund CIO, you help ensure that we are able to continue our vital conservation work in Venice.
Venice - A Shared Legacy
For 50 years, Venice in Peril Fund CIO (formerly Venice in Peril Fund) has been helping to preserve Venice’s fragile and unique heritage. The generosity of those who have made gifts to us in their Wills has been essential to that conservation work.
You may feel a special connection to Venice and a gift in your Will represents a permanent legacy which will allow us to preserve Venice and its heritage for future generations. It is a wonderful and lasting symbol of your love of Venice.
We know you want your gift to make a difference and we will use it with the greatest of care. Gifts in Wills are vital to all areas of our work, so any gift you give, whatever its size, is valuable. No gift is too small.
We Are Here to Help
Leaving a gift in your Will to Venice in Peril Fund CIO is a very personal and important decision. Whilst we cannot provide you with legal advice, we are here to help and support you through that process.
If you would like to speak to someone about your gift, please email info@veniceinperil.org or call +44 (0)207 736 6891.
How to Leave a Gift
If you would like to leave us a gift in your Will, we recommend that you take legal advice from a solicitor to ensure that your wishes are effective and can be carried out as you intend. Gifts can be either a percentage of your residuary estate (known as a residuary gift) or a specific sum of money (known as a pecuniary gift) which you would like to leave to Venice in Peril Fund CIO.
You will need to provide the following details to your solicitor:
• Venice In Peril Fund CIO
• Registered address: 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ
• Registered charity number: 1186770 (England and Wales)
An example of wording you could use:
I leave [ ]% of my residuary estate or £[ ] to Venice in Peril Fund CIO, 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ, registered charity number 1186770 (England and Wales), absolutely for its general charitable purposes and I further declare that the receipt of the treasurer or other proper officer for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.
If you have already made a Will, you may not need to make a new one in order to leave us a gift. Small changes to your Will can be stated in a document called a codicil, which is read in conjunction with your Will. However, in order to produce a codicil, your solicitor will need our registered address and charity details as set out above.
If You Have Already Remembered Venice in Peril in Your Will
Thank you very much indeed and we would love to hear from you. Not only will this help us make plans for our future, it also means we can thank you properly for your support. Anything you tell us will be kept confidential and will not be legally binding.
A copy of Help with your Legacy wishes can be downloaded here.