Renaissance Maiolica at the Museo Correr


About the project

In November 2017 Venice in Peril Fund adopted eighteen pieces of Renaissance Maiolica in the Museo Correr. 

They form part of the 120 piece collection, most of which was put together by Teodoro Correr (1750-1830) and subsequently bequeathed to the city.  The collection is the subject of a proposed new display and catalogue.

In the Venice in Peril Fund Winter 2017 Newsletter, Timothy Wilson, Honorary Curator of the Ashmolean, wrote about the significance of the collection and about the seventeen plates with scenes from Ovid’s Metamorphoses made in Urbino about 1520-23 by Nicola da Urbino, which are the treasures of the Correr collection, but which do not form part of the Venice in Peril Fund project.

The pieces, which have been treated, are for the most part display objects which would have been arranged on buffets in private palaces. There are 14 round dishes, two trilobe dishes, one pierced dish with a raised foot and a ewer.

The work was  carried out by the Conservation Department of the MIC, Museo Internazionale di Ceramica at Faenza, not far from Venice. 

How to find it

In brief

  • The cost of specialist conservation treatment of £18,000 was met by generous supporters of Venice in Peril – including the maiolica specialist Justin Raccanello.
  • A catalogue of the Correr collection of maiolica, edited by Caterina Marcantoni with an Introduction by Timothy Wilson is due to accompany a new display of these pieces.
  • For a short video of the conservation of these objects go to the MIC Faenza Youtube channel

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